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  Compact Baby Slings and Benefits and Cons
Posted by: GilbertRog - 7 hours ago - Forum: General Feedback - No Replies

Recommendations about Maximizing the Use in kids Products: Helpful Suggestions by Guardians

Boosting the use of kid items can save you time and funding. In this one blog, parents reveal their helpful tips on why to get the some out of various infant products. Learn best practices for enhancing product practicality, many of these as proper care, creative applications, and effective organization solutions. Learn precisely to extend the durability of your child products, ensuring they are in good shape for as long as practical. From cleaning hacks for pushchairs and dining chairs to multi-purpose applications for kids slings and playpens, these tips will aid you make the the majority of your buys. Caregivers also share their experiences with DIY modifications and customizations that improve the functionality of an infant goods. this one post will arm you with useful ideas and advice to guarantee you get the maximum benefit from every baby item you own.

Newborn Blankets and Slings
Travel Trip Baby Sl 4559a75

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  Trix Casino - официальный сайт
Posted by: JamesPhord - Yesterday, 01:23 AM - Forum: General Feedback - No Replies

Рассмотрение Трикс казино: Особенности
Трикс казино — это виртуальное казино, созданное в одном из недавних лет. Оно лицензировано в Кюрасао и представляет многообразие игр. Казино расположено в сети, доступном геймерам по всему земному шару. Trix Casino отличается привлекательным дизайном и разнообразием вариантов игр.

Зеркало Trix казино
Иногда доступ к основному сайту может быть блокирован. Чтобы преодолеть это, геймеры могут применять альтернативные ссылки.

Что такое зеркало? Это дополнительная URL на сайт казино.
Как найти зеркало:
Загляните на официальные аккаунты в соцсетях.
Изучите с форумами азартных игроков.

Таблица ниже показывает популярные зеркала Трикс казино:

| Альтернативный сайт | Ссылка |
| lordral.ru | https://lordral.ru/ |

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  New instructions on second iteration
Posted by: HF2021 - 05-08-2024, 01:36 PM - Forum: Study Grammar & Management - Replies (2)

When using iterations with the accuracy method, if a participant fails the first try, they are taken back to the instructions just prior to the start of the first try.  Is there a way to give them new instructions after the first fail and before the second try, for example, something like: "Oops! You failed the test. Lets try again."?  
Thank you!

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  sequential presentation of image stimuli
Posted by: chiarabernini - 05-06-2024, 08:33 AM - Forum: Experimental Design - Replies (16)

Hi everyone,
for my experiment design I need a sequence of images (red and blue squares) to appear one item at a time, from left to right. I do not want the first item to disappear before the presentation of the second one, and so on...
At the end, the participant should be able to see the sequence in its entirety.
Does anyone know if this presentation modality is supported by FindingFive? 
Thank you in advance for your help!

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  pseudorandomization multiple attributes
Posted by: blueorange - 04-17-2024, 01:02 AM - Forum: Study Grammar & Management - Replies (3)

Is it possible to limit the maximum number of consecutive stimuli conditions?
For example, is there a way to limit the occurrence of both attributes "aaaa" and "bbbb" showing up?
I tried both of these codes but none of them worked Sad 
"stimulus_pattern": {"order": "pseudorandom",
                            "attribute": "a", "b",
                            "min_N": 1, "max_N": 3}

"stimulus_pattern": {"order": "pseudorandom",
                            "attribute": "a",
                            "attribute": "b",
                            "min_N": 1, "max_N": 3}

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  Preview mode broken
Posted by: sten_knutsen - 04-05-2024, 04:03 PM - Forum: Platform Improvement - Replies (2)

Two of us had the same problem: we were able to use Preview mode once or twice, but then after that the preview window would appear with the "broken image" sign and a message "Sorry, but we encountered an unexpected error upon processing your request."
I logged out of Finding Five and logged back in, but now I can't get anything to preview. This worked fine this morning (and I used it quite a bit).

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  Cookie Error in MTurk
Posted by: finley - 04-05-2024, 01:40 PM - Forum: Study Grammar & Management - Replies (1)

I am trying to launch a new MTurk session, but the Sandbox is giving me an error that it won't load the study.It says there is no content to load and my cookies may be too restrictive (I'm using Chrome).
The Preview of the study in FF works fine, though.

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  When it takes too long the generate the study...
Posted by: blueorange - 03-19-2024, 06:59 PM - Forum: Platform Improvement - Replies (2)

I have an issue of my study taking way too long to generate. 
I have the notification that says "Generating the study" but doesn't seem to proceed beyond this stage. 
Would there be anything I could do to speed up this process? 
Thank you in advance as always!

There also could be a possibility that I'm impatient but taking an hour didn't occur normal to me..!

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  150 trial limit
Posted by: sac429 - 03-19-2024, 10:34 AM - Forum: Study Grammar & Management - Replies (2)


I'm receiving an error that says the trials in block "preview_sentence_choice_production" exceed the upper limit of 150. 

    "preview_sentence_choice_production": {
      "trial_templates": ["preview_template","sentence_template","choice_template","production_template"],
    "pattern": {"order": "alternate_random", "repeat": 1}

Our study aims to have 72 sentences and 4 stimuli per sentence (2 text stimuli, 2 images), resulting in 288 trials according to FF.
Based on an older post in the forum, I see that there is a way to increase the maximum allowed trials. Would it be okay to add "max_trials: 300" or would this affect the performance of the study/be unideal for FF's servers? 

We may also break this block up into 2 blocks (144 trials each), which will be under the 150 limit, but I just wanted to know if increasing the max trials was a feasible option. 

Thank you for your assistance! 

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Question Is there a way to present an image at the text response page?
Posted by: blueorange - 02-20-2024, 01:20 AM - Forum: Experimental Design - Replies (4)

Is there a way to present an image at the text response page?
What I want to ask participants to do is to name the object that is presented as an image (like a banana) and for them to type in banana as the correct answer. 

Also, is there a simple way to link such images to the correct text response?
I'm thinking of something like:
  "stimuli":["banana_img", "apple_img", "grape_img"],
  "responses":["banana", "apple", "grape"]

Would this correctly link the given stimuli to the correct text response?

Please let me know if my questions themselves are confusing, I would be happy to explain ◡̈ 

Thanks in advance!

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