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FAQ #3 - Simultaneous Presentation of Audio and Other Stimuli
Hi Amie & Bissera,

We have created a new feature for solving your exact problem, and we think it'll have more generalizable uses for other researchers as well. It occurred to us that the key to implementing your design is making the duration of the audio recording relative to the duration of the audio stimulus. We have done exactly that!

Overall setup
On a trial of interest, you should:
  • Place the text stimulus before the audio stimulus so that they show up at the same time
  • Set "barrier": false in the audio stimulus so that it won't block the audio response
  • New feature: Set the duration of the background audio response to:
    "duration": "%sgroup:audio+2.0"

That is, the duration of the audio response will be 2 seconds plus whatever the duration of the stimulus of the group "audio" is, on the same trial.

Stimulus Group
The "stimulus group" thing is also a new feature, but it's easy to do: just add

"group": "audio"

to all the audio stimuli that are going to appear on the trial of the interest. The end result is that the audio response will look for a stimulus of the group "audio" on the trial, and then set its duration to the duration of that audio stimulus plus 2 seconds.

Important: Special Previewing Trick
If you just did all of that and hit preview, you'll notice that it won't work. This is because FindingFive has recently implemented some safeguarding mechanisms so that beta changes to the Study Grammar features, like the one we are working on for you, don't affect ongoing studies. To make it work, you'll need to:
  • Hit the preview button and let the website load
  • Go to the URL bar and add "&live=1" to the end of the URL
  • Hit Enter and let the website load again
Only with "&live=1" added to the URL will you be able to use this new feature. Once you have confirmed that this works for you without breaking other aspects of your study, we'll move the new feature into the Study Grammar officially.

Give it a try and let us know? We are really glad to receive this feature request - it opens up a paradigm of how we would handle other complex features too! Thanks!

Messages In This Thread
RE: FAQ #3 - Simultaneous Presentation of Audio and Other Stimuli - by Ting - 04-19-2021, 04:59 PM

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