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Community Guidelines |
The FindingFive Discussion Forum is intended to be a home for collaboration, where researchers freely ask for help and generously share their knowledge with others. We hope the FindingFive community will use this forum to routinely engage in rewarding professional discussions in the interest of advancing behavioral science. Here, we strive to create an environment that is welcoming to all, which actively encourages the engagement of researchers of all stripes, and where all comments begin with a framework of positivity, courtesy, and respect. By participating in FindingFive’s Discussion Forum, you agree to abide by the following Code of Conduct. As a community of researchers thoughtfully advancing behavioral science, we value: Courtesy & Respect We approach all inquiries and responses with consideration of our fellow researchers. When offering constructive feedback, we recognize that members of this community come from an array of backgrounds, training, and perspectives. With all posts and responses, we strive to make this forum welcoming and safe for all FindingFive researchers. We believe that ad-hominem attacks and put-downs are counterproductive, and we avoid them on this platform. With our language, we strive to be inclusive and courteous in all contexts. We respect one another by using preferred pronouns, when known. We are aware that tone, humor, and sarcasm can be misunderstood, especially in written form. We therefore assume the best intentions of others, and are mindful of the possibility of miscommunications. We do not tolerate any form of harassment, bullying, intimidation, or threats. Hate speech, discrimination, or expressions of intolerance for people based on factors including (but not limited to) race, ethnicity, nationality, gender or gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, age or disability are not welcome in this community. Privacy & Honesty In this forum, we protect one another’s privacy, avoiding public mention of anyone’s personal information. We represent ourselves honestly, expecting the same of others in the community. All content we post in this forum is accurate to the best of our knowledge, and we do not knowingly post false or misleading information. Posting Relevant Content We recognize the value in asking for and providing help with challenges we encounter while creating and running FindingFive studies, and when contributing to the forum, we do our best to keep to these topics. We avoid posting content that is not related to FindingFive or experimental design. This community does not tolerate pornographic, illegal, or obscene content. This forum is not a place to advertise studies, products, services, or anything else. Helping Others & Helping Others Help Us We offer support and advice freely, striving to help others when we have the opportunity and means. We check the forum for similar questions before posting new inquiries. When posting questions, we are mindful to include information that will help others contribute useful feedback. We aim to make inquiries specific and detailed, providing examples and sample code when appropriate. Thank you for taking the time to read our Code of Conduct. We hope this forum serves as a helpful tool and source of support as you conduct research with FindingFive. If you encounter any behavior on this forum that violates our Code of Conduct, or if you have questions or concerns, please reach out to [email protected]. We are excited to see this forum grow! Thank you for your participation. |
Forums in 'Researchers' | ||||
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post | |
Experimental Design Discussions on best practices in creating a study on FindingFive
50 | 236 |
sequential presentation o...
05-22-2024, 02:57 PM by Ting |
Study Grammar & Management Coding and set-up questions
109 | 492 |
New instructions on secon...
05-09-2024, 03:22 PM by Ting |
Platform Improvement A report of bugs or an idea for a new feature!
59 | 217 |
Error with trying to set ...
08-05-2024, 05:23 PM by Ting |