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Trials displaying longer than their set time?
Hi Amie,

Sorry about the late reply - the last weekend was Chinese New Year so I was a bit, ugh, unproductive. For your questions:

1. OK - we'll get started on developing the feature for randomizing trials across blocks. Hopefully we can get this done by the end of February.

2. Great question. In theory it doesn't matter that much - anything below 20 trials with no submission in a row would probably be fine. It really depends on how much data are collected on each trial. For example, if every trial collects a full minute of audio data, then obviously you'd probably want to save that every couple of trials. But if it's just choices, text, and etc, it can arguably go on very long without submission. The caching of participant data is fairly robust, and in theory, the upper limit is rather humongous, to the extent that no reasonable behavioral experiment would ever trigger it.

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RE: Trials displaying longer than their set time? - by Ting - 02-17-2021, 10:31 AM

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