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Study not advancing past first stimuli. . .
One of my studies (which was just working perfectly fine earlier today) will no longer advance past the first trial -- it just hangs up. I have another study that is almost exactly the same as this study, and it still works fine. I have been going over my code with a fine-tooth comb, and I can't see any reason why it would display the first trial, and then hang up. I've even switched trials around to see if it's just a bad set of stimuli or something -- same problem.
This was on Chrome, but I also tried on Firefox with the same result.
Hi, there has been no update in the study grammar for the past three weeks. I would check for typos or any minor changes you might have accidentally made.
Also, try using the incognito mode or clearing your browser's cache. We almost never update our servers during the day, so if it worked earlier today it's likely some obscure issue on the client end.
I am still not sure what happened, but the trouble seemed to clear after I edited the "instruction" text of the response object I was using in the study. Everything seems to be fine now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Interesting. What's the type of the response that you added custom instructions to? It should work, but we'd like to reproduce the bug if there's one.

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