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disable spacebar keypress for 'Continue' button
Is there a way to do this? I find that when an instruction follows a self-paced reading trials (where participants have been clicking the spacebar rapidly), it risks being skipped unintentionally. So for certain trials, I would like to require the a mouse click to advance to the next trial.
oh, that makes sense. we'll make it possible to turn that key mapping off in the next grammar update. for the time being, you can assign the key for self-paced reading to another one (for example, "N" is commonly used for "next"), so that it won't interfere with the space bar.
Thanks, that's a good idea.
I found another way to avoid the unintended instruction skipping, which is just to make sure the trial template of the instruction following the self-paced reading is in fact "instruction" and then to set the duration to some number of seconds.
ah that's a good strategy too! just keep in mind that setting a trial template "instruction" will remove its data from the final csv. If you want trial durations to be reported for how long participants read the instructions, you can probably set it to basic and keep the trial duration. That way it should work too.

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