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collaboration from different countries
Hello FindingFive,
I am trying to collaborate with someone who is currently based in China, while I am based in the EU and work on the EU server. My (intended) collaborator seems to be having trouble accessing FindingFive, setting up an account, and generally using the platform.
We are wondering what the trouble may be. Should they be logging in to another non-EU server? Is FindingFive simply not accessible from China? If yes, would there be any kind of workaround, short of collaborating via screenshare from my account only? 
Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you, and best wishes, Anna
Hi Anna,

Unfortunately, FF uses Google for the purpose of controlling spam accounts. As Google is completely blocked in (most of) China, it renders FF only semi-functional in China.

We do have researchers from Peking University and Beijing Normal University. As far as I am aware, VPN is required to fully access FF in China.

Hopefully by the end of this year (2021), we can find an alternative solution to Google's spam control service, so that researchers in China can use FF more easily! Sorry about the disappointing answer though!
Hi Ting,
thank you very much for your quick answer! Knowing this already helps a lot.

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