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Trials displaying longer than their set time?
Hi Amie! I previewed your study and took the liberty to add submission_point back to most trial templates. I did observe what you described - so counting Mississippi is pretty darn accurate! Smile Then I realized, if a trial is the last trial of a block, then FF *always* submits response data to the server to "save the progress". Could this explain why the second or third instance always seems to take a bit longer (depending on your procedure configuration), because they happen to be at the block boundary?

Is there a way to reconfigure your trial templates and procedure so that a single "trial" (your sequence of screens) is not split up into multiple blocks? The "alternate" pattern is not limited to two trial templates. So maybe you can link everything together?

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RE: Trials displaying longer than their set time? - by Ting - 12-16-2020, 10:41 AM

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