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Trials displaying longer than their set time?
Hi FindingFive, I have a study I am coding up but have noticed when I preview the exp that some of the stimuli stay on screen longer than they are supposed to. I have fairly rapid presentation of words and blank screens which alternate, and after a stream of words/blank screens, there is a question mark and an exclamation mark. The words should be on screen for 0.7 seconds and the blank screens display for 0.3 seconds, and then the question mark for 0.5 seconds and the exclamation mark for 1.2 seconds. As an example:
Blank screen -> words -> blank screen -> words -> blank screen -> words -> question mark -> exclamation mark
However, the final words screen (the third instance above) is always displayed for longer than 0.7 seconds and the exclamation mark is also displayed for longer than 1.2 seconds.
Originally I had background audio recordings on the question mark and exclamation mark trials, but whether I record a response or not makes no difference. Bizarrely, even though I have removed the responses, on these longer trials in the preview the little green 'response recorded' box comes up at the top of the screen.
I have the timings set at the trial level with no timings set at the stimulus level, and I originally had submission_point=FALSE set on all trials except the exclamation mark (assuming then I might have longer responses on the exclamation mark only). I've since removed submission point but this now makes each trial take longer (which doesn't surprise me) but I still have these extended trial lengths on some trials even if it is set to FALSE.
Do you know why the timings sometimes aren't respected?

Messages In This Thread
Trials displaying longer than their set time? - by amiefairs - 12-14-2020, 10:59 AM

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