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FAQ #3 - Simultaneous Presentation of Audio and Other Stimuli
That would be great, I'm looking forward to it!

The background_audio does record during the audio playing using chrome on my computer, so either it isn't working with firefox or it just isn't working on a specific computer - we'll investigate and get back to you in case you are interested.

But auto_advance still doesn't work. Just to be very clear, we have a trial template being displayed that is coded as:
"audios_practice": {
"type": "basic",
"stimuli": [["symbol","p1"], ["symbol","p2"]],
//"duration": 4,
"auto_advance": false,
"responses": ["voiceRecording"],
"submission_point": false

This reads in the symbol (of type 'text') to show on screen and two sounds (both audio; this is a minimal toy version of the experiment while we iron out the bugs). I have explicitly set barrier = true on the audio and tried to have auto_advance = true and false; when true the audio ends but the symbol stays on screen and I have to exit the experiment, when false there is a continue button (which we don't want). If I explicitly set barrier = false in the audio then when auto_advance = true I have to exit the experiment because it just continues to show the symbol, and when auto_advance = false a continue button shows immediately at the onset of audio (but the audio does play). So as far as I can tell it they aren't interacted how we would like them.

Messages In This Thread
RE: FAQ #3 - Simultaneous Presentation of Audio and Other Stimuli - by amiefairs - 04-16-2021, 10:12 AM

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