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Study not completing all blocks
I've already added you ([email protected]) as collaborator to the study in question.
The study ran fine in the session I ran last week. 
This week, for 6 of 16 total participants, it looks like the study just stopped after the participants completed one block of demographic questions -- this is "part_15" in the block_sequence section. All blocks after that session seem to be missing for 6 of the participants.
Also, I believe -- though I'm not certain -- that this is an issue with the presentation of these blocks, as I had a student report that they never were asked to give their SONA ID, which is a question in one of the blocks that is missing.
I have never encountered anything like this, and as far as I know, no one has "touched" the study since it launched. Any idea as to what could cause the block_sequence to just "stop"?

Messages In This Thread
Study not completing all blocks - by sten_knutsen - 11-14-2024, 10:00 AM
RE: Study not completing all blocks - by Ting - 11-14-2024, 10:04 AM
RE: Study not completing all blocks - by Ting - 11-14-2024, 10:31 AM

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