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Multiple Choice Question Spread
Hi Everyone, 
We are trying to code a multiple choice question. But, we want code the question and responses like in the following image like spreadsheet. Is there any way to code it on FindingFive? If not, what could be an alternative.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration!
Hi yilmazdozlu,

Unfortunately, a matrix-style rating response is not currently possible, but it's something we are actively working on! As a work around, you could present multiple rating responses on one trial using nested lists (as described on the trial templates page of our documentation).

Hi yilmazdozlu,

Thanks for your post! I want to follow up to Rachel's response with a little more information about the matrix-style rating responses you've requested. As Rachel noted, we are in fact working on such a response type, which should allow you to do more or less what you are trying to do. However, we are wrapping up a few other study grammar features first, before we turn our attention more fully to matrix-style rating responses. It may be some time before the matrix ratings can be implemented, so depending on when you need to have your study coded you may need to look into alternatives, such as what Rachel suggested.

I also noticed in your image that some of the language choices are not yet determined. Is the idea to have those filled in based on participants' prior responses? If so, you may want to look into our follow-up responses feature if you haven't already.
If you have any questions about the matrix rating response feature or the timeline for its development, please let us know! We'll be happy to discuss it with you.


Noah Nelson
Study Specification Grammar Development
Thank you very much for your replies!


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