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log of response positions and keys pressed
Hi FF team!

I have a similar question to "keeping track of response choice locations?", except i use key presses and not mouse clicks (this is for my two studies "normingLRbranching" and "normingNeutralIntonation"). I present two text options in random positions and would like to have a log of 1. which text option appeared in which position and 2. which key did the participant press (although i guess if i have one i can easily figure out the other one). The latter one would be especially useful to see if the participant was just pressing the same key for the entire experiment and not actually interactig, so if there's a way to log it that would be fantastic!

Thanks a lot,
Hello Bissera,
So far it is not possible to record the position of randomly distributed choice options (this is likely to be added in December in the grammar update though). As for your second question, all the keypresses are already being recorded, so you should be able to retrieve this info directly in your output csv file.
Please let me know if that answers your questions Smile


Hi Morgane,

Thanks for writing ((:

I'm so sorry, but i don't actually see this info in the csv file, i must be making some dumb mistake, but i really can't find which key was pressed. I see which answer was chosen from the two text options, but since that's assigned to a different key each time i can't figure out the actual key. I'm not sure if the below will read well, perhaps you can paste it back in an excel sheet to see more clearly, but this is my data and i don't see the key..


expt_id group_id network_error_repeat participant_id participation_duration response_correct response_mode response_name response_rt response_target response_type response_value session_id stimuli_presented trial_duration trial_num trial_template
612e16226b363db887fb34e8 default 0 73110d5563437b496c42dca26a3721440b1b5679c68fc933b309736296c32dd9 33.37981200218201 61957adb89b160de282bc682 fix|PR1R 3748 1 audioP
612e16226b363db887fb34e8 default 0 73110d5563437b496c42dca26a3721440b1b5679c68fc933b309736296c32dd9 33.37981200218201 FALSE keypress PR1 2653 ["C choice-response C'est un doux parfum, qui est enivrant ? 61957adb89b160de282bc682 3170 2 responseP
Hello Bissera,
You are right: the keypresses cannot be recorded because they are assigned to positions and not options themselves. This way, you can see which option was presented, but not the key pressed to select it. Along with the recording of the position of randomly distributed choice options, this may be added in December update. 
However, you might try the following and see if it fixes your issue: by adding a second keypress to the same trial, you may obtain a background response that will passively record all the keys pressed during the trial. This way, you may retrieve the keypress information in your csv file. 
Could you try this solution and let us know if it works for you? 
Hi Morgane,

Thanks a lot! I've been able to solve this quickly by doing what you recommended. I'm presenting the choice stimulus on the trial simultaneously with the background keypress response and now i have both a record of what answer the ppt chose from my two choices as well as which key they actually pressed.

"responseP": {
"type": "AFC",
"responses" : [["key","PR1"],["key","PR3"], ["key","PR4"],["key","PR5"]],
"submission_point": false


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