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Study not completing all blocks
I've already added you ([email protected]) as collaborator to the study in question.
The study ran fine in the session I ran last week. 
This week, for 6 of 16 total participants, it looks like the study just stopped after the participants completed one block of demographic questions -- this is "part_15" in the block_sequence section. All blocks after that session seem to be missing for 6 of the participants.
Also, I believe -- though I'm not certain -- that this is an issue with the presentation of these blocks, as I had a student report that they never were asked to give their SONA ID, which is a question in one of the blocks that is missing.
I have never encountered anything like this, and as far as I know, no one has "touched" the study since it launched. Any idea as to what could cause the block_sequence to just "stop"?
Hi Sten,

I'm looking into this right now. This is strange. Do you mean it occurred somewhat randomly for 6 of 16 participants, or the 6 participants that had the issue were the latest batch of participants?

We've fixed this. Many apologies - we recently implemented a few new randomization techniques that we have yet to announce, but in the process we broke trials with only responses. We are terribly sorry. Thank you for letting us know this quickly.


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