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A question about tokenized_text
I want to conduct a self-paced reading study.
On each screen, a paragraph of about 100 words will appear and this will be presented using tokenized_text stimuli.
But then when I do a preview, a sentence is presented to the end of the right side so that I have to move the scrollbar to the right. I think this can confuse or bother the participants while they participate in this experiment.
Is there any way I can make each token appear in the fixed domain?
Below is the one stimuli that I used:
  "type": "tokenized_text",
  "content": "Time moved on - and he already felt - he was - couple's -son. - He could not be happier. - His new -parents - did not treat him - like a -prisoner - or a - servant, - but loved him. - Now he had a younger brother. - He had no -choice - but to love this -baby. - He also had - plenty of - food - to eat. - His life as a -worker - was really over. - He did not miss - the angry -master - and he did not miss - his old -place - either. - He had even forgotten - he ever lived there. - There was only one thing - he missed from his old life. - He missed his friends. - He thought about them -every day. - Maybe one day - he would go back - and visit them.",
  "alignment": "left",
  "mode": "masked",
  "mask_char": "_",
  "self_paced": true

Hi Hyeonah,

If I understand you correctly, the easiest fix is to insert line breaks? For example, at the end of "couple's -son.", add "<br/>" so that it's "couple's -son.<br/> - He could not be happier."

When displayed, "He could not be happier" will be on a new line.

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